1.Management console settings

You can view and modify the current region and cycle configuration in the console 「My Orders」. After the modification is successful, the change will take effect within one minute.

2.Encoding settings

  • For example, use an IP in the New York area of the United States and set the IP replacement cycle to 1 minute.
  • You can set it in the program in the following ways: {username}-region-{US}-area-{New York}-period-{1}:{password}, fill in the user name, country code, area code, IP replacement cycle (minutes), and password. For example, username gf2814951572, passwordaft415oyt, used in this requestUSA - New York area ip、The IP address replacement interval is 1 minute
code example
gf2814951572-region-US-area-New York-period-1:aft415oyt
When you set the region and cycle through coding, the system will ignore your region and cycle configuration in「My Orders」in the console.